B.S.I.S. Guard Card / Certification

The Guard Card Class is a one day, eight-hour training class.

Our Guard Card Package includes all three steps required to apply for the California Guard Card. The Guard Card is issued by the Bureau of Security and Investigative Services (BSIS), not by Tactical 360. The standard processing time for the BSIS to issue the Guard Card is 4 to 6 weeks. Some Guard Cards are issued much quicker, and others take longer. Tactical 360 has no control over the Guard Card processing time.

The course meets the Bureau of Security and Investigative Services (BSIS) training requirements for the Initial Guard Card and covers the Power to Arrest and Weapons of Mass Destruction/Terrorism Awareness training manuals. Course topics include criminal law, civil liability, the role of a security officer, search and seizure, duty and authority, and the nature of terrorism.

Prerequisite: Live Scan fingerprints done at any UPS, Post Net, or Kern Sheriff’s Department. App cost is approximately -100. Right-click on recover files on ssd hard drive require admin permissions the drive and select “Properties.


$75.00 / Course
$55.00 Fee to the State of California